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Maszyny do cięcia gazowego (gaz + plazma) Müller Opladen 3D profile cutting

Dodatkowe informacje

  • type: RB 650-1200 AGD
    5-axis simultanous gas-cutting (plasma) for tubes

    min/max workpiece dia through chuck : 80/650 mm
    min/max workpiece dia: 650 > 1200 mm
    diameter range of oscillation: 80 > 1200mm
    chuck speed in manual position: 0 > 4m/min
    speed of cuttinghead in manual position: 0 > 1400 mm/min
    max torch angle: +/- 60° & 45°

    The CNC axes are as follows:
    700 mm > Rotation of the workpiece inside the chuck system (Y-axis)
    13 000 mm > Longitudinal movement of the cutting head along the workpiece axis (X-axis)
    180° > Oscillatory movement of the cutting head (B-axis)
    360° > Rotation of the cutting head (C-axis)
    Transverse movement of the cutting head at 90° to the workpiece axis (V-axis)

  • Typ/Model: 3D profile cutting
  • Stocknumber: O.16 9535
  • Kategoria główna: [O] Giętarki, Prostownice, Wycinarki, Maszyny do cięcia laserowego, Maszyny do cięcia gazowego i Linie walcujące
  • Sub kategorii: [O.16] Maszyny do cięcia gazowego (gaz + plazma)
  • Marka: Müller Opladen

Stocknumber: O.16 9535

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