Rettificatrici tangenziali con mandrino orizzontale Jones & Shipman ProGrind 1267 Easy
Informazione tecniche
- Dimensions of the table1200 x 600 mm
- Max dia grindingstone457 x 100 x 203,2 mm
- Spindlespeeds1400 and up to 3000 rpm
- Motorpower22 kW
- Length6202 mm
- Depth3445 mm
- Height2855 mm
- Weight11,8 ton
Informazioni supplementari
- Movement of table: 1610 mm (manual) / 1420 mm (hydraulic)
Vertical movement: 850 mm
Transverse movement: 750 mm
Max distance between table and grinding wheel: 750 mm
Fanuc touchscreen control
Nikken 4th axis
Twin rotary diamond disc unit - this unit is mounted vertically with a slide-way adjustment to cater
for the differing grind heights. The unit is designed to mount twin opposing
discs to support dressing in both directions and provide support for the 6 thou
diamond tip radius.
- Tipo/Modello: ProGrind 1267 Easy
- Numero di magazzino: G.02 12823
- Categoria: [G] Rettificatrici
- Sottocategoria: [G.02] Rettificatrici tangenziali con mandrino orizzontale
- Il marchio: Jones & Shipman
Numero di magazzino: G.02 12823