Tours verticaux Morando HTF 650 CNC Ø 1560 x H 2000 mm
Information technique
- Dia de passage du mandrinØ 1300 mm
- Dia max de tournage -- passage1560 mm
- Puissance sur la broche33 kW
- Hauteur max d/l Piece a travailler Z2000 mm
- Commande6 axes CNC NUM 760 FMX
- Hauteurmax 6530 mm
Informations complémentaires
Milling support can work Vertical & Horizontal & under corner. Also possible for milling, equipped with U-axis, flat surfaces.
Z1 movement (turning support): 1200 mm
2nd support-milling: 3 axes U-V-B ISO 40 tools Bridge (portal) movement (W-axis): 1160 mm
max workpiece under bridge: 2000 mm
max workpiece under milling support: 1400 mm
Clawplate Ø 1300 mm with inserted 2nd clawplate Ø 650mm both clawplates can be synchronised/coupled
Speed external faceplate: 2 -> 50 rpm
Speed internal faceplate: 2 -> 600 rpm
Face plates are CNC control indexed
Machine is practically unused, built for aircraft industrie, highly qualified Lathe
- Type/Modèle: HTF 650 CNC Ø 1560 x H 2000 mm
- Numéro de Stock: A.12 4852
- Catégorie principal: [A] Tours
- Subcatégorie: [A.12] Tours verticaux
- Marque: Morando