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APT International, Belçika'da 30.000 m²'lik bir mülkiyete ve 3.000 adet makina derhal kullanıma hazır.
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Tandwielafwikkelfreesmachines & Afwikkelfreesmachines Heidenreich & Harbeck 60 HS3

Ek bilgi

  • For straight and helical gears without crowning

    biggest diameter: 600 mm
    biggest modul: 9 mm
    smallest diameter: 25 mm
    smallest modul: 2 mm

    ramstroke: 0 > 100 mm
    13 speeds
    tabledia: 550 mm
    spindlebore: 90 mm
    power: 5,9 kW

    biggest cone length with teethwidth of 90 mm: 300 mm
    biggest cone length with teethwidth of 20 mm: 265 mm
    smallest cone length: 28 mm
    pitchangle range: 5° - 90°

  • Tip/Model: 60 HS3
  • Stok numarası: K.01 8783
  • Kategori: [K] Dişli Freze makineleri
  • Alt kategori: [K.01] Tandwielafwikkelfreesmachines & Afwikkelfreesmachines
  • Marka: Heidenreich & Harbeck

Stok numarası: K.01 8783

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