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APT International dysponuje 30 000 m² powierzchni w Belgii i 3000 maszynami dostępnymi natychmiast.
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Dahlih MCH 800 X: 1350 - Y: 1000 - Z: 1000 mm CNC


  • Table longitudinal travel (X-axes)1350 mm
  • Cross-travel head (Y-axes)1000 mm
  • Height- travel head (Z-axes)1000 mm
  • Table dimensions(5x) 800 x 800 mm (indexing 1°)
  • Max weight on the table2 ton
  • Admission in spindle (ISO)ISO-50
  • Power on the spindle18,5 kW
  • Control (type)Fanuc Series 18i-MB
  • Toolstoreyes
  • Tools90 positions
  • Frequency (from X tot Y rpm)1 > 6000 rpm (option!!)
  • Power principal motor45 kVa
  • Length L -- R11 meter
  • Depth Fw -- Bw6 meter
  • Weight24 ton

Dodatkowe informacje

  • Type: MCH-800
    Distance of spindle end to table center: 300 > 1300 mm
    Distance of spindle center to table surface: 50 > 1050 mm
    Max workpiece dimensions: 1400 x 1200 mm

  • Typ/Model: MCH 800 X: 1350 - Y: 1000 - Z: 1000 mm CNC
  • Stocknumber: D.02 13970
  • Kategoria główna: [D] Centra frezarskie
  • Sub kategorii: [D.02] Poziome centra frezarskie
  • Marka: Dahlih

Stocknumber: D.02 13970

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