Pionowe centra frezarskie Victor X: 2050 - Y: 550 - Z: 560 mm CNC
- Table longitudinal travel (X-axis)2050 mm
- Cross travel head (Y-axis)550 mm
- Height travel head (Z-axis)560 mm
- Table dimensions2500 x 550 mm
- Depth of throat (uprights-spindlecenter)638 mm
- Admission in spindle (ISO)BT-40
- Power on the spindle7,5 kW
- Control (type)Fanuc
- Toolchangeryes
- Number of toolholders24 positions
- Number of rotations (from X to Y rpm)10 > 12 000 rpm
- Power principal motor 40 kVa
- Length L -- R5300 mm
- Depth Fw -- Bw3180 mm
- Height2970 mm
- Weight9 ton
Dodatkowe informacje
Stocknumber: D.01 12587
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