Torni CNC Daewoo Puma 12L Ø 580 x 1020 mm
Informazione tecniche
- Swing over bed580 mm
- Swing over cross-slide350 mm
- Distance centre tot centre1020 mm
- Max longitudinal travel Z-axis1050 mm
- Max cross travel X-axis260 mm
- Spindle coneASA A2#8
- Dia of spindle bore77 mm
- Power on the spindle22 kW
- Number of speeds2500 rpm
- CommandFanuc
- Length4860 mm
- Width2080 mm
- Height2000 mm
- Weight6,3 ton
- Chuck305 mm
- Toolchangeryes
- Number of tools10x
Informazioni supplementari
- Only plastic composits were turned on this lathe!! Machine is in excellent condition.
- Tipo/Modello: Ø 580 x 1020 mm
- Numero di magazzino: A.07 8375
- Categoria: [A] Torni
- Sottocategoria: [A.07] Torni CNC
- Il marchio: Daewoo Puma 12L