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Profilatrici orizzontali e verticali, curvatrici per profilati Ras 22.82 duct seamer / duct zipper

Informazione tecniche

  • Length 6400 mm
  • Depth600 mm
  • Height1100 mm

Informazioni supplementari

  • The Ras ductseamer 22.82 produces longitudinal seams along the edges of square or rectangular cross-section ducts. This duct seaming machine has 15 roller shafts which are equipped with seaming rollers, and nine further intermediate rollers are located in an overhead seaming bar. The RAS 22.82 is a very simple and reliable machine that can be easily operated by one person.

    max thickness: 1,25 mm

  • Tipo/Modello: 22.82 duct seamer / duct zipper
  • Numero di magazzino: S.05 12866
  • Categoria: [S] Martelli e calandre, zigrinatrici (bordatrici) e aggraffatrici
  • Sottocategoria: [S.05] Profilatrici orizzontali e verticali, curvatrici per profilati
  • Il marchio: Ras

Numero di magazzino: S.05 12866

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