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Martelli per forgiatura Bêché 1500 kg

Informazione tecniche

  • Punching power4500 kpm
  • Forging blank1500 kg
  • Total weight65 ton

Informazioni supplementari

  • with 2 anvils
    max stroke: 925mm
    wieght of hammer: 1500 kg
    distance between hammer - anvil: 1000 mm
    surface of hammer: 4100 x 1700 mm
    dia of hammer: 500 mm
    surface of anvil: 2425 x 1160 mm
    80 strokes/min
    max power: 130 kW

    example of forging capacity:
    square: 350 x 350 mm
    round: 360 mm

    originates from the Belgian railtransport company for forging of trainwheels axles - machine is in very good condition

    height: 4800 mm
    width: 2000 mm
    length: 4000 mm

    deux morteaux pilon - poids du mouton 1500 kg - forging hammer - schmiedehammer

  • Tipo/Modello: 1500 kg
  • Numero di magazzino: S.02 7178
  • Categoria: [S] Martelli e calandre, zigrinatrici (bordatrici) e aggraffatrici
  • Sottocategoria: [S.02] Martelli per forgiatura
  • Il marchio: Bêché

Numero di magazzino: S.02 7178

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