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Beyer rotary grinder NC

Información téchnico

  • Length L -- R2700 mm
  • Depth Fw -- Bw2400 mm
  • Height1800 mm

Información adicional

  • magnetic table: Ø 800 mm

    These models are well suited for efficient, economical processing of circular work pieces via surface and step grinding operations. There is no lost time through deceleration, acceleration and reversal as with conventional reciprocation grinding. The grinding wheel remains in contact with the work piece throughout the grinding process. Single workpieces can be located centrically on the table while multiple workpieces can be located concentrically to optimize table space utilization.

  • Tipo/Modelo: rotary grinder NC
  • Numéro stock: G.01 15182
  • Categoría principal: [G] Rectificadoras
  • Subcategoría: [G.01] Rectificadoras planas con husillo vertical
  • Marca: Beyer

Numéro stock: G.01 15182

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