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¿No ha encontrado la maquinaria que usted busca? Pregunta por ello

Línea de perforado y corte Vernet Behringer HDX 918 CNC + HBP 410/923

Información téchnico

  • Max sawingwidth900 mm
  • Max sawingheight400 mm
  • Angle input90°/75°/60°/45°/30° left and right rotation
  • Motorpower4 kW
  • Number of drillingheads3
  • ConeISO 50
  • Max drilling dia40 mm
  • Speeds200-3500 RPM
  • ACCESSOIRIESyes, all inclusive
  • Loading & unloadingstation24 m
  • ControlCNC controlled - ball screw drive

Información adicional

  • Saw:
    - Cutting speed: 20 to 140 m/min
    - Saw blade dimensions: 6300 x 41 x 1.3 mm
    - Maximum bar length: 24 m
    - Maximum bar weight: 5 T
    - Max. gripper opening: 30 mm
    - Conveyor belt input: 400 kg/m
    - Weight: 3 tons

    - 3 drilling units: 1 right horizontal, 1 left horizontal, and 1 vertical
    - Drill bits: HSS, coated HSS, carbide
    - Cooling
    - Automatic feed, feed rate adjustment
    - Capacity: 24 meters
    - Minimum drilling diameter range: 10 mm
    - Power: 3 x 12 kW
    - Tolerance: 0.1 mm
    - Productivity: 55 sec for 10 8.5 mm holes in 10 mm thick HSS steel.
    - Weight: 12 tons

  • Tipo/Modelo: Behringer HDX 918 CNC + HBP 410/923
  • Numéro stock: P.14y 15692
  • Categoría principal: [P] Cizallas, punzonadoras universales, líneas de corte transversal y longitudinal, conformadoras de chapa y líneas de corte
  • Subcategoría: [P.14y] Línea de perforado y corte
  • Marca: Vernet

Numéro stock: P.14y 15692

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