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Robots loading, unloading & treatmentrobots

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Robots loading, unloading & treatmentrobots

Second hand Industrial robots

How do industrial robots work?

Industrial robots are programmable, automated machines that move on two or three axes in a manufacturing setting. They are highly precise and versatile tools—once programmed, basic robots can perform series of operational procedures at predetermined speeds and distances. More sophisticated robots employ AI for greater degrees of autonomy.

The robots are constructed with various degrees of freedom (which typically correspond to the number of axes). The primary axis determines how far the robot itself can reach. The secondary shafts are used in concert with the gripping element, which is on the mounting flange. These axes usually determine the precise orientation of the tool.

Industrial robots used for mechanical production are gripping or handling machines, used for specific positioning of workpieces. These robots differ from other gripping machines because they also perform machining processes; they are more universal because their movements are software-controlled. They can be used to adjust angles, strokes, and movement frequencies without external mechanical interventions. Industrial robots reduce labor costs and employee injuries, increasing productivity and profit.

For what applications are these robots used?

Robots are widely used in various industries for a range of purposes including, for example, assembly, packing, painting, and stock movement. A welding robot can perform pre-programmed welding tasks independently and repeatedly, guaranteeing high productivity and consistently high-quality end products. Robotic cutting machines provide greater accuracy and flexibility than their non-robotic counterparts while reducing risk of injury to machinists. Highly specialized robots are used in in the medical sector for surgery, radiography, and more. These automated machines are becoming essential tools in pharmaceutical, electronics, beverage, and distribution facilities.

What is involved in programming a robot?

Industrial robots have evolved to the point that they can sometimes be programmed by someone without specific coding knowledge. Most robotics manufacturers will provide their own proprietary programming language with the equipment. In general, however, programming methods fall into one of three categories:

1. Demonstration: The operator moves the robot in the desired pattern and stores the various positions in the robot’s computer for later autonomous playback.

2. Teaching pendant: This device looks much like an ordinary tablet or a large calculator. The operator enters a series of instructions into the pendant, saving each one. Later, the robot can execute the whole program at speed.

3. Offline programming: This allows operators to develop a program and test it offline, using a virtual copy of the robot, meaning that working robots can remain in production while the program is devised and tested, unlike the demonstration and teaching pendant methods.

Who manufactures industrial robotics?

The most prominent international firms are based in Japan or Europe, and these include ABB, KUKA, FANUC, STÄUBLI, KAWASAKI, EPSON, MOTOMAN, YASKAWA, KALTENBACH, CLOOS, NACHI, YAMAHA, ZF, COMAU, and REIS ROBOTICS, amongst others.

Why buy industrial robots from APT International?

Are you looking for a second-hand industrial robot? If so, you are at the right place. At APT International, we meticulously refurbish, update, repair, and test each robot in our stock. We will help you choose the robot that will best meet your needs, either as a single machine or part of a larger system.

APT International specializes in buying and selling second-hand, industrial equipment, such as robots and many other types of metalworking machines. We’ll take care of dismantling, worldwide transport and installation of machines, and we are happy to customize any piece of equipment to suit your particular needs. Our inventory covers 30,000 m², all but guaranteeing that you will find the machine you’re looking for (we also have overhauled milling machines, lathes, drilling machines, complete machine parks, hydraulic presses,... .

We have built our reputation as a solid, reliable seller of used machine tools over the past thirty years. Our technicians have unparalleled professional knowledge and training, and our staff speak nine different languages. We look forward to serving you!

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