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Cazeneuve HBX 360

Technical information

  • Distance between centers800 mm
  • Swing over bed440 mm
  • Diametre of main spindle bore36 mm
  • Length2000 mm
  • Width 1200 mm
  • Height1300 mm
  • Chuck (3/4 pinch) -- diametre3 cl-dia 200mm
  • Coolant pump*
  • Worklight*

Additional info

  • Sensitive tegenpunt

  • Type/Model: HBX 360
  • Stocknumber: A.01 2340 *05
  • Main category: [A] Lathes
  • Sub category: [A.01] Centre lathes
  • Brand: Cazeneuve

Stocknumber: A.01 2340 *05

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